Thursday 7 July 2011



You’ve seen them in your local book shop – hefty book bundles at knock-down prices, buy-two-get-one-free offers and what have you. So, for the first time, BeWrite Books is launching e-bundles ... unabridged trilogies, collections of three books in an ongoing series, books by the same single and prolific author, also books grouped in specific genres.

The bright idea is simply to bring new readers a completed trilogy, to introduce them to running series, to an author or an untried genre. And without paying through the nose for the privilege. These are no grab-bags for cherry-picking of goodies, though. The titles in each collection have been carefully selected for complete satisfaction and enjoyment of every item contained.

All BeWrite Books Omnibus e-bundles will be in simple, quick-to-download, easy-to-catalogue ebook form in all popular digital formats direct from BB’s own BOOKSTORE or from all major and minor online ebook sellers.

And they will be on sale at more than 40% off the combined cover price of the individual titles included ... $9.95 for three complete books is less than the very minimum cover price of a single title by those many publishers using the Agency Five Model pricing method that does not allow discounting of ebooks. We don't play A5M. And we don't play DRM padlocking, either. These e-Omnibuses -- like our paperbacks -- are for sharing with friends and family. We trust you, of course, not to make a business of this (now pretty rare) freedom to share.

All titles will remain on sale individually at all retail outlets, but if you’re new to a series, author or genre, you can now sample each book in the new BB eOminibus editions for little more than the price of a Starbucks cappuccino (or a pint of beer in macho money).

And you can still read about the books, their authors, read reviews and free extracts by clicking on the individual titles in OUR BOOKSTORE (for quicker reference go to the OUR AUTHORS page and scroll down to home in on individual authors and their titles).

But a word of advice if you have read none of these books so far: We suggest you do NOT first read the back cover blurbs (known as side-notes in the digital world) for each individual title. Hold your horses. Thing is that back notes on volumes in a trilogy or a series tend to hint at wee spoilers, new book by new book, which is something you neither need nor want if you’re reading in series. Our Omnibus e-Edition collections will be released with completely re-written notes that describe them to a 'T' .... without letting any cats out of bags to reduce the pleasure of your discovering for yourself the developments, twists, turns, ups and downs as you read in sequence.

All BeWrite Books authors involved have been consulted for their views and for their specific permission to offer readers this special break ... every one has given generous, hearty, enthusiastic approval to the project. Lower prices mean lower royalties, of course. But they also will mean more readers for their superb work. And that counts for a lot in our gang.

We’ll be launching the first BeWrite Books Omnibus e-Edition collections later this month. The first will be (not necessarily in this order), Jenny Chaplin’s Candlerigs Trilogy of historical fiction featuring the unsinkable Kate Kinnon, Hugh McCracken’s Masters of Mobius: Medieval Time Travel Trilogy – of particular appeal to adventurous young adults, their parents and their grandparents (that a wide enough generation catchment, do you think?) – and the first three books in the ever-growing Belinda Lawrence Mysteries series by Brian Kavanagh starring Belinda, who seems as much a magnet to murder as to love-struck beaus.

These are bargain-basement-priced bundles of reading fun, but top-of-the-range reading from skilled, talented authors whose imagination cannot be contained between a single pair of covers. Rolls Royce quality at mini-car cost. Hope you love ’em as much as we’ve loved seeing the works develop, book-by-book, as their authors slaved over hot keyboards, strong coffee and midnight oil to create them.

Within two or three months, we expect to have all appropriate titles available in e-bundle form (that's roughly one new bundle per week). From there in, we will update as new books are released and others become available for e-bundling.

Technical preparation: BeWrite Books tech and design director Tony Szmuk. Editorial preparation: the BeWrite Books editorial team: Exclusive and unabridged content: our wonderful BeWrite Books authors. Other publishers call their contracted authors ‘a stable’, we call ours ‘a table’. And that’s what it is ... a round table of talented equals who collaborate almost daily with the shared intent of keeping the reader happy. And that, folks, is why BB is the happiest house in town.

Happy weekend, chums. Neil


  1. Oh, I like this - and the 'table' concept, which I've loved all along.

  2. You're no stranger to the BB Round Table, eh, Rosanne! You know the score ... nothing goes without a unanimous raising of hands. Cheers. Neil

  3. And Tony just gave me the first three e-bundle release dates: July 11 -- The Candleriggs Trilogy (Jenny Chaplin). July 15 -- The Masters of Mobius: Medieval Time Travel Trilogy (Hugh McCracken). July 18 -- Books one, two and three of the Belinda Lawrence Mysteries Series (Brian Kavanagh). We don't hang about, eh? Bestests. Neil
